AWS Well-Architected Framework Key notes

AWS Well-Architected Framework enables the customer to think cloud natively with always in mind the guarantee to offer the best service to end users. You must always make informed decisions about architecture in the cloud and understand the potential impact of those decisions. Understand what a cloud-native architecture would look like by leveraging design principles, and always have questions as the starting point – Think actively about “What if” and failure scenarios.

The 5 pillars of a Well-Architected Framework:

  • Operational Excellence
  • Security
  • Reliability
  • Performance efficiency
  • Cost Optimization

Operational Excellence pillar key points

Understand business priorities.

Design for operations, architecting for insight to the health of your workload and the success of your operations activities.

Evaluate operational readiness, including both your workload and team.

Understand the health of your workload and the health of your operations activities. Use this understanding to gain business and operational insights.

Prepare for and respond to events using runbooks and playbooks.

Learn from experience and make improvements. To maximize the benefit of that experience, share what is learned across organizations.

Security pillar key points

Protecting information, systems, and assets while delivering business value through risk assessment and mitigation strategies.

Keeping root account credentials protected.

Encrypting data at rest and in transit on AWS, if applicable in multiple ways.

Ensuring that only authorized and authenticated users can access your resources.

Using detective controls to detect or identify a security breach.

Reliability pillar key points

The reliability pillar encompasses the ability of a workload to perform its intended function correctly and consistently when it’s expected to.

Foundation, which include planning your network topology and managing service quotas and constraints.

Workload architecture to implement design choices to prevent and mitigate failure.

Change management which includes monitoring and KPIs and resilient deployment strategies.

Failure management which includes withstanding component failures by using availability zones, backup, and disaster recovery, and regularly testing reliability.

Performance Efficiency pillar key points

The ability to use computing resources efficiently to meet system requirements, and to maintain that efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve.

Selecting the appropriate resource types and leveraging auto scaling to ensure you have enough instances to meet demand.

Testing to match your workload needs.

Monitoring your resources and systems and providing visibility into your overall performance and operational health using Amazon CloudWatch or third-party monitoring services.

And allowing you to choose the optimal location for your resources, data, and processing, from the regions AWS has across the globe and using CloudFront to cache content even closer to your users.

Cost Optimization pillar key points

Avoiding or eliminating unneeded cost or suboptimal resources.

Measuring overall workload efficiency

Adding or removing resource to match demand without overspending.

Using savings plans and prepaid capacity to reduce your cost.

Using monitoring and notification services such as Amazon CloudWatch alarms and AWS Budget to warn you if you go, or are forecasted to go, over budget amount.

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